Every system is different. This blog is about our system, and how it works.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Reflections 1

Sometimes living with Dissociative Identity Disorder is difficult, to say the least. But... but when I was diagnosed and it was explained to me what it was, suddenly everything made sense. The best way I can describe it is like this, before I was a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, the diagnosis, inserted those missing pieces and made the jigsaw puzzle complete. In a way made me complete, I know that sounds corny, but, well, it is the best wording I could think of.

I always thought there was something different about me, that I was not like other people. My brain worked differently from others, the thought process was different, EVERYTHING was different. And...yes, then all of a sudden it made sense.

Of course I would be different, of course I would think differently. Dissociative Identity Disorder means this, and SO much more. My alters, when they take over, think differently to me, so this makes sense. They, my alters, are a part of me, and I am a part of them. Yet they are their own identities, in their own right. Yes, I am aware it does sound confusing, but it is confusing. I am, myself, still getting grips with it all.
